Website publisher
The above-mentioned website is published by :
Name : Eden Villages
Legal structure : SASU Simplified joint-stock company with a single shareholder
Share capital : 20 100 000,00 euros
SIRET number : 43529724700015
VAT number : FR56435297247
APE code : 1486
Contact details :
Head office : ROUTE DE BRETAGNE, 53100 MAYENNE
Telephone : 02 43 53 04 33
Responsible for publication : Céline Rousseau
Website design and hosting
The design, graphics, development and referencing of the site are the work of Portobello Communication.
SARL Portobello Communication
Communications agency in Laval (Mayenne – France)
Siren : 513 290 627
Photos :
- Eden Villages
- William Hoareau
Website host
222-224 – Boulevard Gustave Flaubert – 63000 Clermont-Ferrand – France
Telephone : 04 44 44 60 40 (single toll-free number from a landline, excluding any additional costs depending on the operator from a mobile line).
The website is the exclusive property of Eden Villages.
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The Internet user hereby undertakes to make personal and non-commercial use of the information contained on the Site. In the event of non-compliance with these provisions by the Internet user, his/her civil and/or criminal liability may be incurred.
Privacy policy
The confidentiality policy for this site can be consulted on this page: Privacy policy
The Website constitutes an original work of which the Website publisher is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Eden Villages is a French trademark registered with the INPI under number 4836881.
Any total or partial reproduction, or even imitation, of this brand or its logo, made from elements of the Site, without the express authorisation of the Site publisher, is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of Articles L.713-2 and L713-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
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Any representation or reproduction, whether total or partial, permanent or temporary, on a computer and/or paper medium, and by any process whatsoever (in particular by framing*), of any of the elements of the Site or of the services offered, without the prior and express agreement of the Site publisher is prohibited, and constitutes an act of counterfeiting, which may result in civil and/or criminal penalties. Only hard copy printing is authorised for the purposes of private copying for the exclusive use of the copier within the meaning of article L122-5 2° of the French Intellectual Property Code.
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The Site publisher declines all responsibility for any malfunctions that may occur on the Site and lead to a loss of data or unavailability of access to the information produced on the Site.
The elements presented on the Site are subject to change without notice and are made available to Internet users without any express or tacit guarantee of any kind.
The Site publisher cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information on the Site. Similarly, it cannot guarantee that it has not been modified by a third party (intrusion, virus).
Furthermore, Internet users are solely responsible for the use they make of the content of the Site. Except in the case of serious misconduct on the part of the Site publisher, the latter may only be held liable for direct damage arising from the use of information produced on the Site.
Hypertext links
The hypertext links present on this Site – regardless of whether or not the Site Editor has given prior consent – and enabling access to other Internet sites do not incur the responsibility of the Site Editor or its creator with regard to the content of these sites.
The Site publisher reserves the right to modify these conditions of use at any time and without prior notice, in order to adapt them to changes in the Site and/or its operation.
Settlement of disputes
French law applies.
Except in the case of the application of legal provisions of public order, only the courts within the jurisdiction of the registered office of the Site publisher are competent to hear any disputes arising from the use of the Site.
Last updated on 09/04/2024